2009年12月10日 星期四

Be Positive

Finally, I past the EH-4. Although, I didn't get a high score in the Gramma final test, i know i am better than the score. I am a little disapointed about the listening section, it minus 12 piont in that part. I really can get a higher score. Eventhough, everyone passes the class, i still wished i could get a higher score. I onlt got 79 in Grammar, 88 in interchange, and 10 assignments to writing class. 79! what a worse score. Joyce said that my English really progressed. I do agree with her, especially in the writing class. I am going to have 4 classes next term, which will begin on the fifth of Jan. They will be Interchange, Writing, Reading, and, Grammar. I am a little nervous about reading, it is my first time to take the reading class, and our teacher will be Hanrry, who is the best and strict teacher in LTTC. I heard from the hearsay that he can teache very well. I think that I'd better prepare my reading before begin the next term. Grammar class will be in the noon. It was not going to have this 4A Grammar in LTTC anymore, but Ira decided to open this class for us because many students in my class are interested in Ira's Gramma class. He is good at Grammar, and he can express the meaning very clearly. Tomorrow is the last day of the EH-4, and we are going to have a party with teachers and classmates. Good bye to Andyand Rocky. I think I really learned a lot in EH-4, except interchnage. Hahahaha...

2009年12月9日 星期三

Fucking final exam.

Fucking final exam, I did not do well as usual. After i finished the final exam, i just figure out that i made a lot of mistakes. Howcome? I am a careless person and always regret about what i have done. Can you give me one more chance? I'll do more perfectly than the first time. God bless me that i could get 90 points in these two final exam, please. I did not think that final exam is very hard, but after i check my answer with my classmates then i just reallized that i really made a lot of mistakes. I really hate this feeling. Especially i made the mistakes which are i shoud not did wrong. what should i have done? wishes that i could get satisfied scores. 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90..... i think that i have done pretty well on the quiz, so i wish that i could get satisfied scores in final exam too. God bless me, please. I am not too greed to get higher score, right? 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90. It can proves what i have learned in EH4, and it will be the best compliment to myself.

2009年11月24日 星期二

Challenge, challenge, and challenge.

Good news traveals fast, I finally finished my assignment#7. It was almost killed me when I did my outline. I am alittle worried about my essay for assignment#8. There are a lot of transition signals that I must remember them. There are almot 2 weeks left in this semester, but i don't want to finish learning English. I am considering joining other short term class after I finished this term, but most of the classes which I want to take is all in the afternoon. For example, reading and conversation classes are in the afternoon, or I'd like to take reading calss for next short term. Reading is ready hard for me. While i was reading the paragragh in my writing texbook, I realized that I have to read more than 3 times in order to get understanding about what does this paragraph wants to describe. I always feel a little frustrated when i read each paragrphes. I feel like increasing my English abilities strongly, but what's the fastest way to progress my English abilities immediately? By the way, SH just set a permite rule for poeple who wants to read her blog. Eventhough, I have been wanting to know more about her for a long time, I still can't quit this habbit to stop knowing more about hers everthings. Am I a werido? I also read her blog which she was wrote in English, but i don't think she is a really good at English especial her writing. She made some easy mistakes which I could observe them easily, yet she can works for a foreign company? I believe that I will be better than you in English, meanwhile, I will also learn some good characteristices from you in order to become a better person who I want to be in the future.

2009年11月21日 星期六

What does a friend mean?

Have you got a great depressed form your friends? Sometimes, you sort your freinds to different files which are close friends, common friends, playing friends, and rarely contact friends. Let's start from rarely contact friends. The friends, who are in this file, are not knowing each other very much. You don't even phone them when you feel lonly. You might met them at friend's parties, a net chating room or they were just one of the people who asked you about the directions on the street. We don;t really care about their feeling, emotion, birthday, and what;s their interetsing. However, common friends are a little different from rarely contact friends. I guess most of your common friends are come from some place where you used to work, study, play, or shop together. These friends are more important than your rarely contact friends, you might take more care with them, and phone them more often. You definetley care about their feels, emotion, live, and problems, but you sometimes won't tell the truth to them. You might phone them when you need them or for some emergencies. We sometimes eat our with them, chat with them on msn, exchange some grossipies, and invite them to some unimportant occasions, conferencese, and parties. Even though, common friedns are appear more often in your life, close friends always act a very important roles almost every day in your life. Colse friends are people who you might call them every day, you stay in tough very often indeed to be a part of your parents. For female, we might called them sisters, for male, we might called them buddies. They usually hand our twice or third times a week especially on the weekends. They will phone them if they are not going to hang out. They care a lot of their feelings, emotions, every situations, soulmate, parents, and other details of their live. They won't forget your bithday, same special memorize, personal intereting , and spcific anniversary. You probably celebrate each other's birthday, christmas, new year even on the valentine's day when you are single. Howevery, have you got a great depressed form one of your close friends? Sometimes you want to share some interesting things , celebrate special anniversaries, and have a meal with them, but they don't really care about that. what will you feel when you get these situations? Since I've got some similar experiencese from my friedns, I've started considering about how to orgnize myself if they refused me again? I am very upset about their reaction which is thire selfish or their attutude about their lover. They only care about their lover or themselves, noy firends anymore. I wishes everyone can treat their friends sincerely. Don't make a same problems to let your friends feel depressed anynore, ok?

2009年11月12日 星期四

Hello University.

I decided to join the big university exam this summer. I'd to be a student again. Actually, I've been condisering being a student again for saveral years, but i couldn't make a decision consistently. Last time, cora, Aven, Cloudy, and I were chating about this topic. Cora's mom got a disability qualification so she can has some special adventages about being a student. Also we are planning to get working holiday in USA next two years. I am so excited about that. I really have to study harder in order to be a university student. I don't think that i study hard enough. I bought two grammar books to study by myself, it's really useful. I wish I could finish the blue one before Dec. Cheers Angela, just like Rocky said to me, don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. I'm looking forward to being a university student next year. It will change my life a lot!!!

2009年10月23日 星期五

The Most Interesting Thing in This Month.

I really have a brillian life and a excellent boyfriend. I've been seeing with my boyfriend for 4 years. He is a generous, thoughtful, caring, and careful person. He always take care of me, do everything what I want for me, and always thinking about me. For example, it's raining these days due to typhoon day. He prepared such as umbralla, raincoat, and helmet for me before he went to work. He knows that I am a carless person who is always forget my stuff. How sweet he is? For me, He is part of my brillian life. The other hand to prove that I have a brillian life is myself. I always feel that my life is so beatiful due to i am a opstimistic person, and I have a lovely family and a lot of friendly, thoughtfil friends. I do Love my life so much!!! By the way, I've try my "playtex" this month. After I bought it back from USA, I am always looking for my PMD come so much!! It's really comfortable and useful, and you won't feel ant thing stucking in your pussy. Maybe it's due to i am the person who can always adjust any thing immediately. Also I am getting used to the EH-4 with new calssmates and teachers. I am learning to understand what does Andy speak branidsh, and he is a good teacher, too.

2009年10月12日 星期一

Writting exam.


The most advantage for walkman which is you can listen to music and the radio where ever you want. No matter you are jogging or waiting for the bus, you can listen to the music for spending your time if you are bored. You can even turn it louder , and you won't bother to the other people. But some of the doctors are worry about it will injure your listening if you getting used to listen to it all the time.

2009年10月9日 星期五

GEPT Writing Test.

Part A
Translate the following Chinese passage into English passage.


It was inconvient and dangeroius for the people when they went to some far placese before. It almost took them sevral days even more than several months to reach to their destination. Otherwise, it's easy to get a accidient during their way to their destination. The intention of the airplane not only spent less time, but also gave them more security for their travel. It is not impossible to travel to the Uiniverse in your dream anymore cause the techniton is improving so fast.

Part B
The bar graph below shows the number of traffic accidents which occurred on a particular day in 1999 in Taipei. Write an essay of 150-180 words according to the following instructions:

1. Summarize the information shown in the graph below.
2. Discuss some possible reasons for the different numbers of accidents.
3. Suggest some ways in which the number of accidents might be reduced.


Acorrding to the number of accidients in 1999 in Taipei, we can obvious understand how seriously accidients we've gotten in 1999. It shows that the accidient could happend in every time, every month, and also everyday because we don't know when will we get a accidient. The traffic accidient might be the most serious numbers of them, especilly during our way to home, way to the office, or way to the other placese as possible. I'll suggest everyone drives careful, patianly, and concentratelyon your way to everywhere, it will helps you to reduce the accidient in your life.

We might get every different kinds of accidient. Let's pretend it is a number of traffic accidients. The most possiblely to get a accidient is form 6:00 P.M to 10:00 P.M. It seems like we are in our way to home, and most of the people just can't wait to get home as soon as they can. But the lowest time to get a accidient is from 2:00A.M to 6:00A.M. Obviously, we are all sleeping at home in the midnight. Only some silly people who drive after they get drunk in the midnight.

In my oppinion, we shouldn't drive after we drank. It is saver to get home by taking a taxi after we drink. Also we have to follow the traffic rule ever times, don't even thing that you can across to the next balok before the traffic light is going to change. At last, be sure to check you car every month to reduce the bad things happended in your life.

2009年10月8日 星期四

My New Semester of EH-4

I've already begun this new semester for four days. We have the same teachers, who teach Interchane and Grammar, are Rocky and Ira again. Rocky was the teacher who taught us Writting last term. The other new teacher is Andy who teaches Writting. The same, i met a lot of new classmates again, but they are not good enough than the classmates last term. At first, i was considering to quit this term then go back next term, but i just realized that i just can take back only five percent of my fee from LTTC. That is not worth enough, so I decided to continue this semester with Paul, Joyce, Ben, and also my new classmates. But i was wrong, all of my new classmates are so friendly, and wonderful. I shouldn't juged them before I didn't know them. Probably, I've alrealy fell in love with this class. This is a good sign for me. Also my lovely cousin, cousin in law, and the smartest DJ Wang are coming back to Taiwan today. I have not seen them for a long time since they got marrie. I am looking forward to see them A.S.A.P. My English is really improve in a massively way, hahaha..., but it still not good enough. By the way, i sent some of my resume to my favorite Sesame street for being a English teacher, and they responed me this afternoon. I was so excited at first because being a English teacher in Sesame Street is one of my dreams. After I introduced myself, she just said she has to thing about it. Shit!!! What the fuck!? I can't be a English teacher because of i only have a senior high school degree? I can tell you seriously, you will regret that you didn't hire me to be your English teacher in your cram school. You lost such as a excellent teacher that you don't know. You will really regret, just wait and see. I'm going to get the GEPT in advanced level right a way.

2009年9月29日 星期二

I Love UAS!!!

I am back, my lovely Taiwan. After this special journey, i'd like to visit to USA onece again even more. Actually, I am planning to apply a American travel working to have a special experience in my life. Maybe living in America is a good choice for me, I can learn language there, make friends from different counties, and enjoy my life in a foreigne country also spending time to own a wonderful life there . This is one of my new wishes. I believe that it will dreams come ture. By the way, I am reading a book call "the secret" recently, it says you have to believe some thing if you are always thinkng about that. This magical manner call "attractive rule". First of all, you have to believe this magical rule then you will attrac everything you want to surround you. I do believe that. I aslo heard many people who got something they want from this magical rule. Foe example, one of my friends call Sam, he has been trying this magical rule about one year, and everythings that he things are coming neary by him. He shares some of his own experience for me and it really work for. He is going to send me a video of the secret for me tonight. I really can't wait to see this magical video right away. I hope i can get a better job and give my parents a better life than now. Best regards for everyone if you believe in this magical "attractive rule". We can own a better life if we execute this magical rule.Make your dreams come ture is not a difficult assignment any more.

2009年9月15日 星期二

I am coming.

I can't believe that i am going to San Frencisco tomorrow. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. This is my first time to travel to America. I hope i can have a lot of fun there even in Las Vegas. I appreciate that I can travel to different countries during these two years. I just went to Japan last Sep with my sister. And now, I am going to my dream world-America. Thanks god for giving me this wonderful life. Now i believe that i am a lucky girl. I really appreciate my family and my boyfriend also all of my friends who are so close to me. Also i am going to catch up my English lesson after i back from America. Everthing is so satisfying and perfect in my life. At last, i hope i can learn a lot and feel more about this wonderful world, and also improve my English to the level which is what i want myself to be. Thanks again, my lovely Family. I do love you so much. I do really treasure what i 've owned.

2009年9月14日 星期一

Share with someone you love.

I saw a pretty great Video this morning. It a true story about a lion called Christian. A lion who rescured from two generous boys and they decided to live with a lion at home. Unfortunately, Christian was growing too fast to live at their home anymore, so they sent Christian to an other better place to give him a better live. After a long time, they want to pay Christian a visite, but the staff there said, they sent Christian back to Africa to give him a natural wild to grow. The staff aslo mentioned that Christian is a lion king in Africa now, and it's been a long time he might can't remember you anymore. Then they arrived Africa they can saw many lions standing on the top of the mountain, they couldn't even recognize which is real Christian. Meanwhile, a lion walked down from the mountain. It's Christain, he didn't forget them. He ran dowm from the mountain and gave them warming hug to them. It was a tough and heartwarming story and it a ture story that i really love. It really tough me. I've already been crying for many times when i saw this Video. And the end of the Vedio says:Love knows no limits and true friendships last a life time. Get bakc in tough with someone today. Share this with someone you love and treasure them in every day as you can.

2009年9月9日 星期三

Hey, everyone.

Hello everyone, how's it going lately? It's been a long time i haven't studied hard after I finished LTTC last term. I feel a little unfamilar with English. At first, I decided to study more vocabulary by myself to catch up my next level fluent. Couse last lerm I can obvious felt that my vocabulary qunatity is not enough. It's hard for me to have a good assignment in writting class but it's easy for me to have a good communication with people in interchange. My biggest problem is "vocabulary". Grammar aand word spelling are also the important section. How to own a plenty of vocabulary immediately? I tried to read some English website which is interesting and usefel. If you don't review the vocabulary what you learned you must have nothing. Am I ready to attend the LTTC level 4? I'd like to say, no. But I really want to back to LTTC this great English learning environment to chat Englsih , lear Englisg and have a lot of fun with teachers and classmates. There is only one way to learn English effectively which is speak, type and read all in English into your life. Actuatlly, i can't wait to back to LTTC. I miss the teachers there, classmates there and the books there. How are you guys? I can't wait to see you guys again.

2009年5月27日 星期三

I Feel Bad

I feel so bad today. First of all, I hear something that I've already known before, and that is the things I don't want to hear it again. Why can't we just be friend? I did love you so much, but not now anymore. We can be close friend, can't we? Second, actually, I am a really bad wrtter. My English is really poolr. Where did I get any confidence to believe that Rocky said, I am a good writer? I face to myself, I really need more improve. I am just standing at the same place...I really feel frusrtated about English and writing. I haven't studied hard since I've learned English.
I should get more practice, study hard, and read more English books. Sometimes, I hate myselfso much...

2009年3月11日 星期三

It's over!!!

It's over, our dance studio. We are closing our dance studio on 17th Mar. That means: I lose my job again. I started to work for Lisa Dance Studio since around 20th Aug 2008. Because of the world is now in a great ecnomic depression, we have to close it. Even Lisa Lai's husband almost in a insolvency way to live. I am very happy and feel free work for Lisa Dance Studio during these 7 month. It's really a easy job, and I almost not things to do when I am on my duty.
It's a very special exprience for me. I won't forget what happend in here, I will keep it in my memory cleaer. After it close, Joke won't usually ask me to have a dinner woth him anymore, and there's no one can meet each other very often anymore. I think the main reason is that "how often can I meet joke after this? I will really miss that adays you just gave me a called and a surprised that you've already behind our gate. Then we just do not thing and stay in my office.
it's tome to say goodbye to the this empty studio, and face to the cruel. I have to a new job, but I also want to go to my next turm, too. How about my SF journey? I would like to go , too.

2009年3月9日 星期一

I Think I love You

I must have to say, I love you so much!! I've already loved him for about six years. He is one of my classmate last turm in senior high school, but we study in different subject. While we studied in same senior hight school, I didn't know much about him. I just knew that he had a very cute girlfriend and they had good relationship. I think they are very fit. After I graduate, I go to other school called "National Taiwan Colleage Performing Arts's". Then we became reall classmate when I studuied in "NTCPA". He was my good scooter partner in school. He always gave me a rode to everywhere. In a word , time told me that I tought I fell in love with him. Unfortunately because of my personal problem, I quite my school. After that, everythings changed. Well, it's really difficult to describe this relationship between he and I. Maybe our relationship could go above and beyond just friends. It's possible to crossed our relationship as a friend 5 years ago, but everythings are too late. I do love him, I even want to sex with him. He is so friendly, humorous, sweet, and gentle. I do believe that we won't become that kind of relationship I want. Once time, Sandy and Mo Mo asked us: why don't we be together? you know what!? I reallt want to be with him, but he haven't asked me this kind of questions or I would love to be with him. Have you ever loved me? Or you really think that you are not my type?

2009年2月18日 星期三

Get on my Nervous.

I have a bad moon today. Nov 29th last year, I had a car accident. It's around 4:00, after Cora and I played mahjonj, I rode my scooter back home. On my way home on 重陽路, there's a people who want to crossed road without zebra crossing, he rushed out form the arcade on left side but we have already so close. And then, I bombed in to him. Both of us fell down on the street. His left arm was broke and I just can't standed up right away. His friend run to me and ask: Do you want to call the police? Definitely yes!!! I did remember to call my boy friend- Ning, at the midnight, only he can help me. After the policeman and ambluance arrived, we went to hospital and check our injure. I was pretty ok but he wasn't ok. This is the contents about my car accdient. My phone was ringing when I was in Barrie's calss this morning. It's her mother, she ask me to pay him some money about he is unable to work recently, because of this accident he lose his job. And her mother think it's all my problem I made a mistake, too. Come on! I don't want to bomb your son ok!? This car accident problem really get on my nervous. I don't know what to do and I don't have any money to pay him for he lost his job. It's really bothers me. Just finish this fucking accident promlem. Take me out of here!!!!

God bless me to pass this accident. Both we are nice person that I believe in.

2009年2月17日 星期二

There's a question !

It's Feb 18th today. I learn alots of vocabulary this week witch is really useful. I always have alot of things to say, but today I don't know what to say? I really want to live in foreign contry. Cause I really love English so much. Now, I'm consider about: should I go to next turm after I finish EH-2? Actually, I'm planning to visit SanFrancisco this year, it's will spend alot of money. If I'm going to atten next turm in LTTC, I will not have enough money to visit San Francisco. However, I even save enough money, yet. It's still a long distance to my goal. Should I working hard? or should I get more part-time jobs? There's a question: how to save more and more money in this statment?

2009年2月11日 星期三

Change my Life

I really want to change something recently. Like my hair style or some attitude. Actually, I'm thinking to change my hair color. Maybe I can dye my hair to black or brown. I get alot of things to do today. I have alot of homework, office works, and I should spend sometimes to learn English and remember some vocabulary. By the way, Lou is going to oversea for ten days, I hope he will be fine there. I also lend my NDSL to him for wasting his boring times there. I will missing you and also my NDSL these days. And I should review my interchange calss recently, because I'm always late for my first class, and I think I've already miss some important things in interchange class. I hope I won't be late anymore. I really have to get up early. Well, it's time to do my homework and office works now. One more thing, I heard a little girl and a foreigner boy were talking yesterday, I love the girl who speak English very well and it sounds really nice, that's what I really want to be like her. I really want to be the woman who can speak English extemely awesome. It will be me!!!!!!

2009年2月10日 星期二

Discussion on LTTC

LTTC - The Language Training and Testing Center. It has English and Japanese even french and spainish calss that you can choice by yourself. But, it's just a pretty good place for learning English. Let me tell you why. First, most of teachers in LTTC are foreigner, so they can speak English vey well. Even some of English teachers there can speak English very well, somehow they don't know how to teach!!! Second, the administrators there are not very kind on their attitude. The most problem is that no matter wich level you get , you must have to reduce a lower rank form your real level. If you want to go to higher level, you must have to pass three teachers' quiz, and they will jugde that can you go to higher level or not? And you also have to attend your level that they give to you at first, then to ask yourself "should I go to next level?" That's why evey class's rank are so different. Third, after you test if you decide to attend this class this term, you must have to send your money right away before 12 o'clock going to next day. That means you only have one day to insufficient and make a decision. Forth, If you want to quite your lesson, you only can get back your half money, and you have to reply that before the date they give to you or you can't get back any money you want. That's the bad rule in LTTC. But they also have some good systems. For example, you can lend some books witch is really useful from their library. The books are various their, so you have many choice to lend the books you want. That's really helpful and useful, and you can also save your money to buy some English books. Next, you wiil make alot of friends and have a good relationship with your teachers. Here's the advantage what I really enjoy it. If you really want to improve your English on a massive rate, you should studying hard and don't forget to review and preview every content you learn everyday. You can also read some extra reader as possible you can. Learning English is not so hard as you think, just believe in yourself and bone your finger.

2009年2月9日 星期一

Are Ernie and Bert are gay?

Are Ernie and Bert are gay? When we were in our interchange calss last week. Richard and I were in our topic about Sesame Street, and Richard mentioned that Ernie and Bert are gay. I just shock about it!!! What!? Ernie and Bert!!?? No way!!!!!!! I tought they are just best friends and good roomates, and they rent apartment outside together. Maybe they live in domitory in Sesame Street. But who knows? It's just everyone talk about it, nobody can prove that they are really gay. Since I was a child, I loved Sesame Street very much! I even can remember every muppets's names and what's their favorite things. I also can speech our education of the tape very fluent. Because I listened to their tape every night before I slept and I read it vey carefully in my heart. Sesame Street is vey successful. Nowadays Sesame Street is still vey popular. So, are Ernie and Bert are gays? That's not the big deal, cause I still love them very much!!

2009年2月4日 星期三

It's a raining day

Oh, what a bad raining day today. I really hate the raining days. It's really inconvenient for riding my scooter in the rain. And I am always forget to get my raincoat if I take it to other place. But I have to thanks Andrew that he remines me to get my raincoat for twice or I'll really forget it.
I've been studied in LTTC for a month, I make alot of friends witch is Andrew, Hilary, Denise, Bill, Annie, Angel, Jennie, Simon, Ethan, Trista, John, Johnny, and also Richard, Barrie and Ms. Hu. I think our relationship will getting better and better. We've already added everyone's msn recently, so we can know more about each other of our classmates. I am really enjoy my class everyday and I really love English so much!!! I'll do my best to learn English. Maybe the TOEIC game that I downloan for ndsl is helpful, but why it doesn't translate for Chinese or it will be perfect. It's going to be Friday tomorrow, I think we'll have alot of games. Foreigner always like to have relaxing duty on Friday, but you know what? It's really waste our time to play games in class than have some lessons. But you don't know that, right!!!??

2009年2月3日 星期二

The men in the photo

The men in the photo on the left is our writing teacher-Barrie. He comes from Canada. I thing he is in his mid-thirties and he has very short natural curry brown hair. He is alittle chubby but very cute. He is very friendly, humourse, interesting, outgoing and easygoing person, he is also a great actor. He's merried. He is one of my favorite teacher in LTTC. He likes to give us alot of homeworks but I really enjoy it! The man standing behide me it's Andrew. He looks good in his ages. He is a hard-working person just as same as me. He's sitting on my left side in our class, so we are good discussion partner. He is also very friendly and easygoing. Even his extremity is not perfect however he is very optimistic that I really admire him. Oh! and this photo is use by my new toy-Lomo genie. It's just for fun. I'll try to take alot of amazing photographs to record my wonderful life.

2009年2月2日 星期一

After Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year!! It's 3th Feb today, I'm really excites about the San Francisco journey. I am trying to save my money untill the day arrival. I also studing hard everyday. This is my good news, but the bad news is that Denise and Hilary quite the class from LTTC these days. I'll miss you so much! The class seems quiter than before, and I don't know who should I chat with in my class now. I hope everythings will be good. I won't stop learning English without them, I promise that I will improve it better and better. We are going to have a exam next week, even it is easy for me but I will trying to study heard, and get a satisfied score. It's for myself.
By the way, I bought the "Lomo Genie VQ1005" It's my new toy. I can't wait to take alot of Lomo photographs by my new toy. Let's prove it on this Tuesday.

2009年1月21日 星期三

My first article

Wow, I found a new place to my secret paradise. I'll try to write everythings I want in English. Actually, I'm really a crazy woman for search her blog for a longtime, but I'm really intelligent. After read her blog last nite, I decided to join this group,too. I I think she is a purely girl ,and also a sentimental person. She is a girl that I really want to know. Maybe it is possible that we can be friends. but I though we had already knew each other, but we still not friends? It's so happy to me to find out her blog. It' will be great if theres more photo on it. Atlast, I hope i'll usually come here to update my blog in my free time.