2009年2月10日 星期二

Discussion on LTTC

LTTC - The Language Training and Testing Center. It has English and Japanese even french and spainish calss that you can choice by yourself. But, it's just a pretty good place for learning English. Let me tell you why. First, most of teachers in LTTC are foreigner, so they can speak English vey well. Even some of English teachers there can speak English very well, somehow they don't know how to teach!!! Second, the administrators there are not very kind on their attitude. The most problem is that no matter wich level you get , you must have to reduce a lower rank form your real level. If you want to go to higher level, you must have to pass three teachers' quiz, and they will jugde that can you go to higher level or not? And you also have to attend your level that they give to you at first, then to ask yourself "should I go to next level?" That's why evey class's rank are so different. Third, after you test if you decide to attend this class this term, you must have to send your money right away before 12 o'clock going to next day. That means you only have one day to insufficient and make a decision. Forth, If you want to quite your lesson, you only can get back your half money, and you have to reply that before the date they give to you or you can't get back any money you want. That's the bad rule in LTTC. But they also have some good systems. For example, you can lend some books witch is really useful from their library. The books are various their, so you have many choice to lend the books you want. That's really helpful and useful, and you can also save your money to buy some English books. Next, you wiil make alot of friends and have a good relationship with your teachers. Here's the advantage what I really enjoy it. If you really want to improve your English on a massive rate, you should studying hard and don't forget to review and preview every content you learn everyday. You can also read some extra reader as possible you can. Learning English is not so hard as you think, just believe in yourself and bone your finger.

