2009年2月4日 星期三

It's a raining day

Oh, what a bad raining day today. I really hate the raining days. It's really inconvenient for riding my scooter in the rain. And I am always forget to get my raincoat if I take it to other place. But I have to thanks Andrew that he remines me to get my raincoat for twice or I'll really forget it.
I've been studied in LTTC for a month, I make alot of friends witch is Andrew, Hilary, Denise, Bill, Annie, Angel, Jennie, Simon, Ethan, Trista, John, Johnny, and also Richard, Barrie and Ms. Hu. I think our relationship will getting better and better. We've already added everyone's msn recently, so we can know more about each other of our classmates. I am really enjoy my class everyday and I really love English so much!!! I'll do my best to learn English. Maybe the TOEIC game that I downloan for ndsl is helpful, but why it doesn't translate for Chinese or it will be perfect. It's going to be Friday tomorrow, I think we'll have alot of games. Foreigner always like to have relaxing duty on Friday, but you know what? It's really waste our time to play games in class than have some lessons. But you don't know that, right!!!??

