2009年11月21日 星期六

What does a friend mean?

Have you got a great depressed form your friends? Sometimes, you sort your freinds to different files which are close friends, common friends, playing friends, and rarely contact friends. Let's start from rarely contact friends. The friends, who are in this file, are not knowing each other very much. You don't even phone them when you feel lonly. You might met them at friend's parties, a net chating room or they were just one of the people who asked you about the directions on the street. We don;t really care about their feeling, emotion, birthday, and what;s their interetsing. However, common friends are a little different from rarely contact friends. I guess most of your common friends are come from some place where you used to work, study, play, or shop together. These friends are more important than your rarely contact friends, you might take more care with them, and phone them more often. You definetley care about their feels, emotion, live, and problems, but you sometimes won't tell the truth to them. You might phone them when you need them or for some emergencies. We sometimes eat our with them, chat with them on msn, exchange some grossipies, and invite them to some unimportant occasions, conferencese, and parties. Even though, common friedns are appear more often in your life, close friends always act a very important roles almost every day in your life. Colse friends are people who you might call them every day, you stay in tough very often indeed to be a part of your parents. For female, we might called them sisters, for male, we might called them buddies. They usually hand our twice or third times a week especially on the weekends. They will phone them if they are not going to hang out. They care a lot of their feelings, emotions, every situations, soulmate, parents, and other details of their live. They won't forget your bithday, same special memorize, personal intereting , and spcific anniversary. You probably celebrate each other's birthday, christmas, new year even on the valentine's day when you are single. Howevery, have you got a great depressed form one of your close friends? Sometimes you want to share some interesting things , celebrate special anniversaries, and have a meal with them, but they don't really care about that. what will you feel when you get these situations? Since I've got some similar experiencese from my friedns, I've started considering about how to orgnize myself if they refused me again? I am very upset about their reaction which is thire selfish or their attutude about their lover. They only care about their lover or themselves, noy firends anymore. I wishes everyone can treat their friends sincerely. Don't make a same problems to let your friends feel depressed anynore, ok?

