2009年3月11日 星期三

It's over!!!

It's over, our dance studio. We are closing our dance studio on 17th Mar. That means: I lose my job again. I started to work for Lisa Dance Studio since around 20th Aug 2008. Because of the world is now in a great ecnomic depression, we have to close it. Even Lisa Lai's husband almost in a insolvency way to live. I am very happy and feel free work for Lisa Dance Studio during these 7 month. It's really a easy job, and I almost not things to do when I am on my duty.
It's a very special exprience for me. I won't forget what happend in here, I will keep it in my memory cleaer. After it close, Joke won't usually ask me to have a dinner woth him anymore, and there's no one can meet each other very often anymore. I think the main reason is that "how often can I meet joke after this? I will really miss that adays you just gave me a called and a surprised that you've already behind our gate. Then we just do not thing and stay in my office.
it's tome to say goodbye to the this empty studio, and face to the cruel. I have to a new job, but I also want to go to my next turm, too. How about my SF journey? I would like to go , too.

