2009年2月18日 星期三

Get on my Nervous.

I have a bad moon today. Nov 29th last year, I had a car accident. It's around 4:00, after Cora and I played mahjonj, I rode my scooter back home. On my way home on 重陽路, there's a people who want to crossed road without zebra crossing, he rushed out form the arcade on left side but we have already so close. And then, I bombed in to him. Both of us fell down on the street. His left arm was broke and I just can't standed up right away. His friend run to me and ask: Do you want to call the police? Definitely yes!!! I did remember to call my boy friend- Ning, at the midnight, only he can help me. After the policeman and ambluance arrived, we went to hospital and check our injure. I was pretty ok but he wasn't ok. This is the contents about my car accdient. My phone was ringing when I was in Barrie's calss this morning. It's her mother, she ask me to pay him some money about he is unable to work recently, because of this accident he lose his job. And her mother think it's all my problem I made a mistake, too. Come on! I don't want to bomb your son ok!? This car accident problem really get on my nervous. I don't know what to do and I don't have any money to pay him for he lost his job. It's really bothers me. Just finish this fucking accident promlem. Take me out of here!!!!

God bless me to pass this accident. Both we are nice person that I believe in.

