2009年2月9日 星期一

Are Ernie and Bert are gay?

Are Ernie and Bert are gay? When we were in our interchange calss last week. Richard and I were in our topic about Sesame Street, and Richard mentioned that Ernie and Bert are gay. I just shock about it!!! What!? Ernie and Bert!!?? No way!!!!!!! I tought they are just best friends and good roomates, and they rent apartment outside together. Maybe they live in domitory in Sesame Street. But who knows? It's just everyone talk about it, nobody can prove that they are really gay. Since I was a child, I loved Sesame Street very much! I even can remember every muppets's names and what's their favorite things. I also can speech our education of the tape very fluent. Because I listened to their tape every night before I slept and I read it vey carefully in my heart. Sesame Street is vey successful. Nowadays Sesame Street is still vey popular. So, are Ernie and Bert are gays? That's not the big deal, cause I still love them very much!!

