2009年2月11日 星期三

Change my Life

I really want to change something recently. Like my hair style or some attitude. Actually, I'm thinking to change my hair color. Maybe I can dye my hair to black or brown. I get alot of things to do today. I have alot of homework, office works, and I should spend sometimes to learn English and remember some vocabulary. By the way, Lou is going to oversea for ten days, I hope he will be fine there. I also lend my NDSL to him for wasting his boring times there. I will missing you and also my NDSL these days. And I should review my interchange calss recently, because I'm always late for my first class, and I think I've already miss some important things in interchange class. I hope I won't be late anymore. I really have to get up early. Well, it's time to do my homework and office works now. One more thing, I heard a little girl and a foreigner boy were talking yesterday, I love the girl who speak English very well and it sounds really nice, that's what I really want to be like her. I really want to be the woman who can speak English extemely awesome. It will be me!!!!!!

