2009年10月23日 星期五

The Most Interesting Thing in This Month.

I really have a brillian life and a excellent boyfriend. I've been seeing with my boyfriend for 4 years. He is a generous, thoughtful, caring, and careful person. He always take care of me, do everything what I want for me, and always thinking about me. For example, it's raining these days due to typhoon day. He prepared such as umbralla, raincoat, and helmet for me before he went to work. He knows that I am a carless person who is always forget my stuff. How sweet he is? For me, He is part of my brillian life. The other hand to prove that I have a brillian life is myself. I always feel that my life is so beatiful due to i am a opstimistic person, and I have a lovely family and a lot of friendly, thoughtfil friends. I do Love my life so much!!! By the way, I've try my "playtex" this month. After I bought it back from USA, I am always looking for my PMD come so much!! It's really comfortable and useful, and you won't feel ant thing stucking in your pussy. Maybe it's due to i am the person who can always adjust any thing immediately. Also I am getting used to the EH-4 with new calssmates and teachers. I am learning to understand what does Andy speak branidsh, and he is a good teacher, too.

