2009年11月24日 星期二

Challenge, challenge, and challenge.

Good news traveals fast, I finally finished my assignment#7. It was almost killed me when I did my outline. I am alittle worried about my essay for assignment#8. There are a lot of transition signals that I must remember them. There are almot 2 weeks left in this semester, but i don't want to finish learning English. I am considering joining other short term class after I finished this term, but most of the classes which I want to take is all in the afternoon. For example, reading and conversation classes are in the afternoon, or I'd like to take reading calss for next short term. Reading is ready hard for me. While i was reading the paragragh in my writing texbook, I realized that I have to read more than 3 times in order to get understanding about what does this paragraph wants to describe. I always feel a little frustrated when i read each paragrphes. I feel like increasing my English abilities strongly, but what's the fastest way to progress my English abilities immediately? By the way, SH just set a permite rule for poeple who wants to read her blog. Eventhough, I have been wanting to know more about her for a long time, I still can't quit this habbit to stop knowing more about hers everthings. Am I a werido? I also read her blog which she was wrote in English, but i don't think she is a really good at English especial her writing. She made some easy mistakes which I could observe them easily, yet she can works for a foreign company? I believe that I will be better than you in English, meanwhile, I will also learn some good characteristices from you in order to become a better person who I want to be in the future.

