2009年3月9日 星期一

I Think I love You

I must have to say, I love you so much!! I've already loved him for about six years. He is one of my classmate last turm in senior high school, but we study in different subject. While we studied in same senior hight school, I didn't know much about him. I just knew that he had a very cute girlfriend and they had good relationship. I think they are very fit. After I graduate, I go to other school called "National Taiwan Colleage Performing Arts's". Then we became reall classmate when I studuied in "NTCPA". He was my good scooter partner in school. He always gave me a rode to everywhere. In a word , time told me that I tought I fell in love with him. Unfortunately because of my personal problem, I quite my school. After that, everythings changed. Well, it's really difficult to describe this relationship between he and I. Maybe our relationship could go above and beyond just friends. It's possible to crossed our relationship as a friend 5 years ago, but everythings are too late. I do love him, I even want to sex with him. He is so friendly, humorous, sweet, and gentle. I do believe that we won't become that kind of relationship I want. Once time, Sandy and Mo Mo asked us: why don't we be together? you know what!? I reallt want to be with him, but he haven't asked me this kind of questions or I would love to be with him. Have you ever loved me? Or you really think that you are not my type?

