2009年10月9日 星期五

GEPT Writing Test.

Part A
Translate the following Chinese passage into English passage.


It was inconvient and dangeroius for the people when they went to some far placese before. It almost took them sevral days even more than several months to reach to their destination. Otherwise, it's easy to get a accidient during their way to their destination. The intention of the airplane not only spent less time, but also gave them more security for their travel. It is not impossible to travel to the Uiniverse in your dream anymore cause the techniton is improving so fast.

Part B
The bar graph below shows the number of traffic accidents which occurred on a particular day in 1999 in Taipei. Write an essay of 150-180 words according to the following instructions:

1. Summarize the information shown in the graph below.
2. Discuss some possible reasons for the different numbers of accidents.
3. Suggest some ways in which the number of accidents might be reduced.


Acorrding to the number of accidients in 1999 in Taipei, we can obvious understand how seriously accidients we've gotten in 1999. It shows that the accidient could happend in every time, every month, and also everyday because we don't know when will we get a accidient. The traffic accidient might be the most serious numbers of them, especilly during our way to home, way to the office, or way to the other placese as possible. I'll suggest everyone drives careful, patianly, and concentratelyon your way to everywhere, it will helps you to reduce the accidient in your life.

We might get every different kinds of accidient. Let's pretend it is a number of traffic accidients. The most possiblely to get a accidient is form 6:00 P.M to 10:00 P.M. It seems like we are in our way to home, and most of the people just can't wait to get home as soon as they can. But the lowest time to get a accidient is from 2:00A.M to 6:00A.M. Obviously, we are all sleeping at home in the midnight. Only some silly people who drive after they get drunk in the midnight.

In my oppinion, we shouldn't drive after we drank. It is saver to get home by taking a taxi after we drink. Also we have to follow the traffic rule ever times, don't even thing that you can across to the next balok before the traffic light is going to change. At last, be sure to check you car every month to reduce the bad things happended in your life.

