2009年2月18日 星期三

Get on my Nervous.

I have a bad moon today. Nov 29th last year, I had a car accident. It's around 4:00, after Cora and I played mahjonj, I rode my scooter back home. On my way home on 重陽路, there's a people who want to crossed road without zebra crossing, he rushed out form the arcade on left side but we have already so close. And then, I bombed in to him. Both of us fell down on the street. His left arm was broke and I just can't standed up right away. His friend run to me and ask: Do you want to call the police? Definitely yes!!! I did remember to call my boy friend- Ning, at the midnight, only he can help me. After the policeman and ambluance arrived, we went to hospital and check our injure. I was pretty ok but he wasn't ok. This is the contents about my car accdient. My phone was ringing when I was in Barrie's calss this morning. It's her mother, she ask me to pay him some money about he is unable to work recently, because of this accident he lose his job. And her mother think it's all my problem I made a mistake, too. Come on! I don't want to bomb your son ok!? This car accident problem really get on my nervous. I don't know what to do and I don't have any money to pay him for he lost his job. It's really bothers me. Just finish this fucking accident promlem. Take me out of here!!!!

God bless me to pass this accident. Both we are nice person that I believe in.

2009年2月17日 星期二

There's a question !

It's Feb 18th today. I learn alots of vocabulary this week witch is really useful. I always have alot of things to say, but today I don't know what to say? I really want to live in foreign contry. Cause I really love English so much. Now, I'm consider about: should I go to next turm after I finish EH-2? Actually, I'm planning to visit SanFrancisco this year, it's will spend alot of money. If I'm going to atten next turm in LTTC, I will not have enough money to visit San Francisco. However, I even save enough money, yet. It's still a long distance to my goal. Should I working hard? or should I get more part-time jobs? There's a question: how to save more and more money in this statment?

2009年2月11日 星期三

Change my Life

I really want to change something recently. Like my hair style or some attitude. Actually, I'm thinking to change my hair color. Maybe I can dye my hair to black or brown. I get alot of things to do today. I have alot of homework, office works, and I should spend sometimes to learn English and remember some vocabulary. By the way, Lou is going to oversea for ten days, I hope he will be fine there. I also lend my NDSL to him for wasting his boring times there. I will missing you and also my NDSL these days. And I should review my interchange calss recently, because I'm always late for my first class, and I think I've already miss some important things in interchange class. I hope I won't be late anymore. I really have to get up early. Well, it's time to do my homework and office works now. One more thing, I heard a little girl and a foreigner boy were talking yesterday, I love the girl who speak English very well and it sounds really nice, that's what I really want to be like her. I really want to be the woman who can speak English extemely awesome. It will be me!!!!!!

2009年2月10日 星期二

Discussion on LTTC

LTTC - The Language Training and Testing Center. It has English and Japanese even french and spainish calss that you can choice by yourself. But, it's just a pretty good place for learning English. Let me tell you why. First, most of teachers in LTTC are foreigner, so they can speak English vey well. Even some of English teachers there can speak English very well, somehow they don't know how to teach!!! Second, the administrators there are not very kind on their attitude. The most problem is that no matter wich level you get , you must have to reduce a lower rank form your real level. If you want to go to higher level, you must have to pass three teachers' quiz, and they will jugde that can you go to higher level or not? And you also have to attend your level that they give to you at first, then to ask yourself "should I go to next level?" That's why evey class's rank are so different. Third, after you test if you decide to attend this class this term, you must have to send your money right away before 12 o'clock going to next day. That means you only have one day to insufficient and make a decision. Forth, If you want to quite your lesson, you only can get back your half money, and you have to reply that before the date they give to you or you can't get back any money you want. That's the bad rule in LTTC. But they also have some good systems. For example, you can lend some books witch is really useful from their library. The books are various their, so you have many choice to lend the books you want. That's really helpful and useful, and you can also save your money to buy some English books. Next, you wiil make alot of friends and have a good relationship with your teachers. Here's the advantage what I really enjoy it. If you really want to improve your English on a massive rate, you should studying hard and don't forget to review and preview every content you learn everyday. You can also read some extra reader as possible you can. Learning English is not so hard as you think, just believe in yourself and bone your finger.

2009年2月9日 星期一

Are Ernie and Bert are gay?

Are Ernie and Bert are gay? When we were in our interchange calss last week. Richard and I were in our topic about Sesame Street, and Richard mentioned that Ernie and Bert are gay. I just shock about it!!! What!? Ernie and Bert!!?? No way!!!!!!! I tought they are just best friends and good roomates, and they rent apartment outside together. Maybe they live in domitory in Sesame Street. But who knows? It's just everyone talk about it, nobody can prove that they are really gay. Since I was a child, I loved Sesame Street very much! I even can remember every muppets's names and what's their favorite things. I also can speech our education of the tape very fluent. Because I listened to their tape every night before I slept and I read it vey carefully in my heart. Sesame Street is vey successful. Nowadays Sesame Street is still vey popular. So, are Ernie and Bert are gays? That's not the big deal, cause I still love them very much!!

2009年2月4日 星期三

It's a raining day

Oh, what a bad raining day today. I really hate the raining days. It's really inconvenient for riding my scooter in the rain. And I am always forget to get my raincoat if I take it to other place. But I have to thanks Andrew that he remines me to get my raincoat for twice or I'll really forget it.
I've been studied in LTTC for a month, I make alot of friends witch is Andrew, Hilary, Denise, Bill, Annie, Angel, Jennie, Simon, Ethan, Trista, John, Johnny, and also Richard, Barrie and Ms. Hu. I think our relationship will getting better and better. We've already added everyone's msn recently, so we can know more about each other of our classmates. I am really enjoy my class everyday and I really love English so much!!! I'll do my best to learn English. Maybe the TOEIC game that I downloan for ndsl is helpful, but why it doesn't translate for Chinese or it will be perfect. It's going to be Friday tomorrow, I think we'll have alot of games. Foreigner always like to have relaxing duty on Friday, but you know what? It's really waste our time to play games in class than have some lessons. But you don't know that, right!!!??

2009年2月3日 星期二

The men in the photo

The men in the photo on the left is our writing teacher-Barrie. He comes from Canada. I thing he is in his mid-thirties and he has very short natural curry brown hair. He is alittle chubby but very cute. He is very friendly, humourse, interesting, outgoing and easygoing person, he is also a great actor. He's merried. He is one of my favorite teacher in LTTC. He likes to give us alot of homeworks but I really enjoy it! The man standing behide me it's Andrew. He looks good in his ages. He is a hard-working person just as same as me. He's sitting on my left side in our class, so we are good discussion partner. He is also very friendly and easygoing. Even his extremity is not perfect however he is very optimistic that I really admire him. Oh! and this photo is use by my new toy-Lomo genie. It's just for fun. I'll try to take alot of amazing photographs to record my wonderful life.

2009年2月2日 星期一

After Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year!! It's 3th Feb today, I'm really excites about the San Francisco journey. I am trying to save my money untill the day arrival. I also studing hard everyday. This is my good news, but the bad news is that Denise and Hilary quite the class from LTTC these days. I'll miss you so much! The class seems quiter than before, and I don't know who should I chat with in my class now. I hope everythings will be good. I won't stop learning English without them, I promise that I will improve it better and better. We are going to have a exam next week, even it is easy for me but I will trying to study heard, and get a satisfied score. It's for myself.
By the way, I bought the "Lomo Genie VQ1005" It's my new toy. I can't wait to take alot of Lomo photographs by my new toy. Let's prove it on this Tuesday.