2012年7月19日 星期四

My Summer Vacation

I am so greedy for my summer vacation, but it somwhow is the best way to burn the money. S.R is moving to D.C next month. As I mentioned in the previous dairy, it is stressful to be in my situation without a stable income and feel uncertain about my future. Although my goal may not be changed in a few years, I sometimes doubt myself if i am dreaming to be a FA? This ummer vacation, plenty of my friends flew to US to enjoy their lives. Seeing their uplated photos on fb, i am so jealous of them cuz those are the lives i have been desired so much!! Howoever, since i have been reading the book and the thoery of Ho' oponopono, "The univers is displayed as how you think and build in your way," which is to ask you to have a positive thinking even to your own vision, so i decided to switch my thought to conceive of the days i am in US, visit the places i wanna be. Speak to evil of my summer vacation, i realy want to do a lot of things such as taking dance class, yogo class, do exercises, riding my bike to many places, meet new friends, or even just seat down randomly to finish a book. I have bought 4 books crazily so far, even though i am not sure if i will be able to finish all or not, but i promise to myself, i will finish sometime this year. BTW, if it's possible, i'd like to be remedied by the psychal therapist to see my problem and how to improve it.

2012年7月17日 星期二


One day, one of my cute students asked me, "Being an English was your dream when you was a child?" To be honest, I was thinking my an other dream once he asked me. To count my dreams, I have had three dreams; one is to be a performing artist, and i have fulfilled it. Indeed, the second one is to be an English teacher just as Margret, who was my rolemodle, and I am executing my dream  right now. These two are the dreams i have dreamed and wanted them so bad, but now, I have another dream, which is to be an FA. I deeply know that it's not easy to attain and work on, but i think i was bron this way to serve ppl, to see the world, and to live for my life. sometimes, i smile in front of the mirror thinking of wearing the uniform and greeting to the passagers. I really want it so bad, and this is the only thing i will always vision the day i am really doing this. Dear the univers, could you pls do me a favor to help me achieve this dream? i will not let you down and change the value of the world or even to my friends, family, or anything although I know ppl may be changed in this luxary enviroment. I promise myself, i will alwasy be who i am and apprciate this best gift ever for all of my life. I am willing to help those ineeded ppl, situations, being caring, apprciated, and paying back with heavy price. Only if it makes my dreams come ture!!!

2012年7月12日 星期四

My wings

    Never think of who will visit my blog and leave comments to encourage me. I write this blog for practicing my Eng and find a place to tell secrets that i never want to mention even to my friends or family. Things have to be changed a lot since the day i began to write in 2010. I'm now a part-time BA student and part-time Eng teacher, and now, I am having my summer vacation, not traveling to anywhere although that is my dream, to study aboad or living in a exotic country for a while. My life has been so simple since i left entertainment industry, where was a paradise for me to fulfill my dream. Unfortunately, I am no longer useful for anyone there. Eventhough it was somehow pretty pathetic to me at the very begining, I underwent a very special experience that most ppl might not even have this great opportunity, so i guess I should be apprciated and satisfied of what i have come over so far. To be honestly, it's still painful when i see someone who is being so welcomed and sucessful in that industry and make plenty of money meanwhile enjoy their career and lives. I don't know if i am even more talented or apt than them for doing this or not, but I do jealous off those ppl who own something I want so bad. In a word, this fantastic dream has already fade away, and what left to me is the cruel reality i have to face it.
    Seeing that going back to school, i sometimes question myself, "Is this a good choice?" "am i doing the right thing?" because i deeply know that I'm not the person who can ignore the problem of my family. One of the reason that i decided going back to school and get a BA degree is to boost the opportunity to get a better job in a long-term vision and give my family a better better life, so I have to be strong and push myself harder to attain my goal and achieve my destination. Aparrently, I haven't done any thing fabulously that is worth to mention, also i am even still confused what I am going to be in the furture. It's stressful when you see your friends getting theirselves settled down,got a good position then developed to a better pormotion, but you got nothing and even be more and more confused and lost yourself. Still, i have a new goal. It's my dream. I have great motivation for getting that job, BUT i've failed more than twice. CX for two, SA for one, and SNS for one. CX is my idea company. I still remember the interviews i got to the finaly stage with great ambitions and highly expectation then i fell off from the top to the bottom and complained about why i am not the candidate who got the ticket. I ran to the tolet and let my trears drop down dramatically then inhale a very deep breathe then step out The Westin Taipei. I cried for it but waiting for the next recruitment. I really wanna fly sooooo bad!! I believe it would be a very suitable job for me for the fact that i am so independent with great adjustment, i am not afraid of jet leg, and i really love traveling and exploring the world. Moreover, i wanna give my family a better life once i get this job with excellent payment. I now i can do a lot of things and enable to do whatever i want as long as i have the money. I read FA's blog to see what the life in CX will be, to see thier pics with amazing uniforms with gorgeous makeup and beautiful smile. When is my turn? When can i put on that uniform and flying in the sky? When i can give my family a better better life to deliver my spectacular apprciation to honer my parents. I am willing to sacrifice myself as long as i could give my family a better life. Being as a FA is the best way to fulfill both of my desires. Therefore, dear god, plz make my dreams come ture and give me a pair of wings, I will not let you down!! by the time i graduate, i will have more opportunities to apply for this position in so many airlines, so plz wipe out your eyes and hear my voice!!! I am saying straight from my heart!!!

2010年8月12日 星期四

It's almost been a year.

Can't believe It has been almost a year since last time i uploaded my blog, but so what? I prefer to sign in when i feel like writing or sharing something. It's 12, Aug, 2010 now. A lot of incidends have happended this year. The most exciting things most be, I am a university students now, just like the average people becasue I get an better degree as I wish. Finally, I choose FUJ English deparment even though I got three universityies' quailifications, and I think I am proud of myself. I also believe that my life will have changed by the time my new stemester begin. the second pleasant thing is I am going to lay off my job on 11th, Sep. I've been working in Lisa Dance Studio for almost 2 years, and it was a boring job but contain a lot of freedom, so maybe I shoud appriciate ever thing that i have suffered in here. At least, I got pretty high and satisified salary form teacher Lai. However, it's time to say good-bye and star a new student life. The third thing is not a good new because I might leave LTTC, where is a wonderful place as my other family, soon. It's quite sentimental for me to talk about this. I still remember the teachers, who taught me in EH-2, were Richard, Barrie, and Ms, Huo. Ira, Katie, and Rocky were my teachers in EH-3. The teachers in Eh-4 were Ira again, Andy and Rocky. I was not used to it when i began Eh-4 becasue I took a short rest during the summer vacation, and hadn't been practicing English, so it was just so hard for me to get into English immediately. Nonthelss, Joyce and Paul, who are just like my another family, encouraged me a lot, so did John. Finally, I passed the EH-4 with unsatisfied score even though I think I studied quite hard in that term. Then, I was considering taking EH-5 or not, we just had a great relationship with Ira, so he decided to open an English grammar class, which hadn't been open for almost 4 years, for us. Therefore, I enrolled the EH-5, as you know, the teacher were Ira, Ira, and Harry. While I was in EH-5, I noticed a rocky boy, who was studying EH-4, was meet my attention; however, we didn;t know each other becasue at that time, I though I was the person who came to here to study English not make friedns. I also did a pretty good job in EH-5 becasue the finally exam in interchange I got 97, the highest score in the class, I was so proud of it. In addition, I also did a good job in Ira's grammar's 4A class because I got 100 three times. However, Harry's writing and reading made me feel a little tired of learning English, not only becasue of the textbook, but also because of the way he taught; I didn't mean he is not good at teaching. The main reason was I realized how poor my English vacabulary ability is. Then I decided not to take Eh-6; instead, I took EP-7, which interchaneg 3B, and grammar class 4B. Before the grammar class, I stayed in library to study by myself while the rocker boy showed up again. He made me feel like he was trying to catch my attention, for he showed up in library every after class, studyed in the hall and choose a seat that could face to me while i went out form the grammar classroom, and observed me if i past by him. By the way, he is taking Ira's grammar class this term; however, I didn't take that calss this term. Was that a fade, which hint me we are not supposed to be know each others? Anyway, now, I am taking Eh-6 and the teachers are Andy and John, who is teacher we have know each other but didn't be taught by him for a long time. I really have to study harder this term becasue it might be the last term that I stay in LTTC. I believe that I will miss them in the future, the teachers, classmates, rocker boy (maybe), and the days that I stayed there. In short, just want me to always remember the brilliant days, outstanding teachers, and friendly classmates. I have to work harder then become a outstanding teacher as them. xoxoxoxox

2009年12月10日 星期四

Be Positive

Finally, I past the EH-4. Although, I didn't get a high score in the Gramma final test, i know i am better than the score. I am a little disapointed about the listening section, it minus 12 piont in that part. I really can get a higher score. Eventhough, everyone passes the class, i still wished i could get a higher score. I onlt got 79 in Grammar, 88 in interchange, and 10 assignments to writing class. 79! what a worse score. Joyce said that my English really progressed. I do agree with her, especially in the writing class. I am going to have 4 classes next term, which will begin on the fifth of Jan. They will be Interchange, Writing, Reading, and, Grammar. I am a little nervous about reading, it is my first time to take the reading class, and our teacher will be Hanrry, who is the best and strict teacher in LTTC. I heard from the hearsay that he can teache very well. I think that I'd better prepare my reading before begin the next term. Grammar class will be in the noon. It was not going to have this 4A Grammar in LTTC anymore, but Ira decided to open this class for us because many students in my class are interested in Ira's Gramma class. He is good at Grammar, and he can express the meaning very clearly. Tomorrow is the last day of the EH-4, and we are going to have a party with teachers and classmates. Good bye to Andyand Rocky. I think I really learned a lot in EH-4, except interchnage. Hahahaha...

2009年12月9日 星期三

Fucking final exam.

Fucking final exam, I did not do well as usual. After i finished the final exam, i just figure out that i made a lot of mistakes. Howcome? I am a careless person and always regret about what i have done. Can you give me one more chance? I'll do more perfectly than the first time. God bless me that i could get 90 points in these two final exam, please. I did not think that final exam is very hard, but after i check my answer with my classmates then i just reallized that i really made a lot of mistakes. I really hate this feeling. Especially i made the mistakes which are i shoud not did wrong. what should i have done? wishes that i could get satisfied scores. 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90..... i think that i have done pretty well on the quiz, so i wish that i could get satisfied scores in final exam too. God bless me, please. I am not too greed to get higher score, right? 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90. It can proves what i have learned in EH4, and it will be the best compliment to myself.

2009年11月24日 星期二

Challenge, challenge, and challenge.

Good news traveals fast, I finally finished my assignment#7. It was almost killed me when I did my outline. I am alittle worried about my essay for assignment#8. There are a lot of transition signals that I must remember them. There are almot 2 weeks left in this semester, but i don't want to finish learning English. I am considering joining other short term class after I finished this term, but most of the classes which I want to take is all in the afternoon. For example, reading and conversation classes are in the afternoon, or I'd like to take reading calss for next short term. Reading is ready hard for me. While i was reading the paragragh in my writing texbook, I realized that I have to read more than 3 times in order to get understanding about what does this paragraph wants to describe. I always feel a little frustrated when i read each paragrphes. I feel like increasing my English abilities strongly, but what's the fastest way to progress my English abilities immediately? By the way, SH just set a permite rule for poeple who wants to read her blog. Eventhough, I have been wanting to know more about her for a long time, I still can't quit this habbit to stop knowing more about hers everthings. Am I a werido? I also read her blog which she was wrote in English, but i don't think she is a really good at English especial her writing. She made some easy mistakes which I could observe them easily, yet she can works for a foreign company? I believe that I will be better than you in English, meanwhile, I will also learn some good characteristices from you in order to become a better person who I want to be in the future.