2012年7月19日 星期四

My Summer Vacation

I am so greedy for my summer vacation, but it somwhow is the best way to burn the money. S.R is moving to D.C next month. As I mentioned in the previous dairy, it is stressful to be in my situation without a stable income and feel uncertain about my future. Although my goal may not be changed in a few years, I sometimes doubt myself if i am dreaming to be a FA? This ummer vacation, plenty of my friends flew to US to enjoy their lives. Seeing their uplated photos on fb, i am so jealous of them cuz those are the lives i have been desired so much!! Howoever, since i have been reading the book and the thoery of Ho' oponopono, "The univers is displayed as how you think and build in your way," which is to ask you to have a positive thinking even to your own vision, so i decided to switch my thought to conceive of the days i am in US, visit the places i wanna be. Speak to evil of my summer vacation, i realy want to do a lot of things such as taking dance class, yogo class, do exercises, riding my bike to many places, meet new friends, or even just seat down randomly to finish a book. I have bought 4 books crazily so far, even though i am not sure if i will be able to finish all or not, but i promise to myself, i will finish sometime this year. BTW, if it's possible, i'd like to be remedied by the psychal therapist to see my problem and how to improve it.

